True or False? Custom Orthotics Myths Answered

Feb 11, 2022

Bob Sharma

Custom orthotics are specially designed devices that help correct your mechanical foot imbalances. Regardless of their shape, size, or type of material, they help you avoid various problems such as knee and back pain. In addition, athletes even use them to boost their performance.

Despite their benefits, though, many misconceptions exist about orthotics. You may have even heard some of them.

Here, the health professionals at Park Place Clinic break down the three most common myths about foot orthotics, also known as orthotic insoles, and the truth about them. Read on to learn more.

Orthotics Are Only for the Elderly
The idea that orthotics are only for the elderly is one of the most widespread misconceptions out there. It probably stems from seniors wearing large, unsightly orthotic soles for their foot ailments in times past.

The truth is, foot and joint problems can afflict people of all ages. Foot orthotics can be used for various purposes, from providing additional support to boosting athletic performance. Therefore, they are NOT solely reserved for the elderly.

Don’t worry; with recent advancements in technology, you don’t have to settle for large, bulky designs. In fact, modern custom orthotics are nimble and light. Thus, they can fit into any of your regular shoes.

Custom Orthotics Are No Different Than Over-The-Counter Orthotics

If you visit any drugstore, you’re likely to find a dedicated section of over-the-counter orthotics, each claiming to be the sole cure for your problems. You may be tempted to buy them because they are cheaper than their custom counterparts, but don’t be fooled.

Everyone is unique with individual needs and requirements, so are their feet. Thus, a one-size-fits-all solution simply does not work when it comes to orthotics. You may need extra padding under your toes, while someone else may require a flatter padding to better shape their foot. There’s no way a regular off-the-shelf orthotic can meet both these needs.

Not just anyone can design your custom orthotics, either. Instead, a Certified Pedorthist or Orthotist will first carry out a detailed exam, including a detailed biochemical and gait analysis, before crafting orthotics tailor-made for you and your condition.

Custom Orthotics Are Unaffordable

A common British saying — penny wise, but pound foolish — accurately describes the situation when choosing between over-the-counter and custom orthotics.

There’s no denying off the shelf options are much cheaper than their custom counterparts; however, cheaper isn’t necessarily better. In fact, in this case, it can be much worse. Since over-the-counter orthotics aren’t designed for you, they can actually exacerbate problems, leading to more doctor consultations and time off work.

While the initial overhead of custom orthotics may be higher, they are the wiser option over the long term. Not only do they help you with your existing condition, but they can also prevent future problems down the line because they are designed for your specific needs.

What’s more, many workplace benefit plans cover most, if not all, of the cost of foot orthotics. So there is no reason for you not to invest in specifically designed medical devices that can drastically improve your quality of life.

Get Your Custom Orthotics Today!

You shouldn’t settle for anything less than the best when it comes to your health, especially not when it comes to custom orthotics. They are an entire branch of science altogether.

At Park Place Clinic, our Orthotists leverage their expertise and years of experience to ensure your orthotics fit you perfectly and address your needs. Call us at 604-646-6699 or visit our website to book a consultation today.