Let’s Talk About Ergonomics & Your Home Office Setup

May 03, 2021

Bob Sharma

It is safe to say the pandemic has changed our lives forever. While working from home may have been a fantasy for those before us, it is fast becoming our reality.

Although workplaces evolved over several decades to be as efficient and safe as possible, your work from home setup has not had nearly enough time. However, that does not mean that there is nothing you can do.

We, at Park Place Clinic, have compiled a list of our top work from home tips. Read on to learn why ergonomics is important and how you can optimize your home office setup.

What is Ergonomics and Why Does It Matter?

Put simply, ergonomics is designing a safe work environment to boost productivity.

For instance, your keyboard may lie at an exaggerated incline. This puts an excessive strain on your wrist as you work. As a result, you are likely to fatigue quicker, making you less productive. Also, it makes you more susceptible to wrist injuries.

Ergonomics is important because it allows you to work without any additional stress. It ensures you are comfortable, safe, and able to work better for longer.

An ergonomic setup will lead to less pain and fewer injuries, thus, keeping you in a positive state of mind. This directly corresponds to a better quality of work.

Tip 1: Choose the Right Desk Height

If you are working from home, chances are you are going to spend the majority of your time at a desk. Choosing the correct height for your home office desk can make all the difference.

You don’t want a desk too low that has you hunched over with no room for your legs; nor do you want a desk too high, requiring you to constantly look upwards.

Ideally, your desk surface should align with your elbow level when you are working. Your elbows should be parallel to the ground when placed on your desk.

For most individuals, the ideal desk height is anywhere between 28 to 30 inches off the floor. However, you should take the time and find the perfect height for you. It’s a small investment for massive results.

Tip 2: Be Mindful of Your Computer Placement

The modern workplace is not complete without a computer. Optimizing your computer placement is an essential step in setting up your home office.

The most important parts of your computer in regards to ergonomics are the monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Your monitor should be positioned straight in front of you, an arm’s length away. The top of your screen should be at or slightly below your eye line. The brightest light in the room should be at the side of the monitor.

The keyboard and mouse need to be easily within reach and on the same surface. While typing on your keyboard or navigating your mouse, keep your wrist neutral and aligned with your forearms.

Tip 3: Choose the Right Chair

No one truly understands the value of an ergonomic chair until they have used one. Choosing the right chair can complete your home office.

The ideal chair height allows your thighs to be parallel to the ground with your feet resting flat on the floor.

The armrests are not meant to be squeezing your legs together. Your chair should be spacious enough for you to sit comfortably. It also needs to be firm to support your spine and your back.

The key is to find a balance between one that is too hard to sit on and one that is too soft. Try as many chairs as possible until you find the right one for you. Your body will thank you for it.

Want to Know More?

If you want to take your home-office ergonomics to the next level, get in touch with our medical professionals at the Park Place Clinic.

We will leverage our expertise and years of experience to uplift your setup.

Call 604-646-6699 or visit the website to book an appointment now.