How to Prepare for Your First Chiropractic Appointment

Nov 02, 2022

Bob Sharma

Doing anything for the first time can be intimidating, especially if it involves medical appointments. While chiropractic treatments are non-invasive, they are hands-on. Understanding the details of your first chiropractor appointment will help you feel more comfortable with your chiropractor.

So, to help you prepare, we compiled the most common questions and information about chiropractic treatments for you.

What to Wear

You will wear your own clothing; however, consider that you want to be comfortable, at ease, and unhindered as the chiropractor adjusts you.

Wear loose-fitting clothing that allows movement, as the chiropractor may be moving your arms, legs, and torso to promote alignment. Also, don’t forget to wear socks as they will make you remove your shoes.

What to Bring

You will need your designated health care and insurance cards for your first chiropractor appointment. The receptionist will ask you to fill out a personal information form and likely a health questionnaire, so the chiropractor knows about any health conditions, prior surgeries, accidents, and what brought you in.

Other than an open mind, that is all you will need to bring.

What to Expect

Initially, the chiropractor will discuss your forms and any conditions causing you pain. Then, they will begin their physical examination by completing a series of observations, and you may be required to get an x-ray to determine any intricate trouble spots.

For example, they may have you walk from one end of the room to the other, check your range of motion, and even determine if one leg is longer than the other. Some exams are upright, sitting, walking, or lying on the table.

Chiropractors use a specially designed adjustment table with several moving parts. Once you are lying face down or face up, they will begin checking where your bones are out of balance, or in some cases, entirely out of place. To correct this, they place their hands on the area, exert quick force and manually push the bones back.

There shouldn’t be any significant pain; however, you will likely hear various pops or cracks as the bones shift. Don’t be alarmed; this is normal. The chiropractor sometimes uses a device for problematic areas or more direct pressure. Furthermore, the table will adjust with you to help absorb some of the exertions on your body.

Questions to Ask Your Chiropractor

Asking questions is the key to getting the most benefit from your treatment. Essential questions to ask your chiropractor are:

  • Are there any risks involved with the adjustments?
  • How soon will I feel the results?
  • How many appointments will I need?
  • Are there any side effects of chiropractic treatments?

You should always feel comfortable discussing your pain tolerance and any anxiety you are experiencing before, during, and after the treatment.

Tips for Following Up After Your Appointment

Immediately following your appointment, schedule the recommended treatments with the receptionist. Your body will need some recovery time to adjust to the alignment. Some achiness can occur, as can headaches or feeling slightly dizzy.

Give yourself time to rest and drink plenty of water. Ensure you discuss anything unusual with your chiropractor. Then, note how your body feels in the time before your next appointment and inform your chiropractor.

Breeze Through Your First Chiropractic Treatment

The last tip is to be as relaxed as possible. The tenser you are, the more difficult it will be to realign your body. The secret is to have a friendly, trustworthy chiropractor who empathizes with your concerns and puts you at ease about your treatment plan.

So trust none other than the caring professionals at Park Place Clinic in Vancouver, BC, for your chiropractic care. They have the knowledge and quality service to make your first chiropractor appointment a breeze!

Schedule your appointment online or by calling 604-646-6699 today!