Acupuncture’s Role in Pain Management

Jan 05, 2022

Bob Sharma

Acupuncture has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries; however, it took decades for the western world to recognize it as a health profession.

Nevertheless, with all the ongoing research and positive response from healthcare providers, acupuncture has become an integral part of the holistic medicinal approach.

Although the benefits of acupuncture are likely wider-reaching than we can imagine, one of the main reasons to seek this type of therapy is pain management. After all, that is one of acupuncture’s most well-studied benefits.

Research shows that acupuncture can help relieve acute and chronic pain regardless of the causes. The stimulation of acupuncture points effectively treats many issues, including headaches, muscle strains, nerve pain, and neck and lower back pain.

Read on to learn more about acupuncture, what happens during treatment, and the science behind its effective pain management.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a form of complementary medicine that has existed for centuries, whereby practitioners insert thin needles into the skin to trigger specific acupuncture points. The idea is that stimulating these strategic areas can balance the body and bring positive effects.

Acupuncturists believe that it balances the body’s vital energies. Furthermore, recent studies suggest that triggering acupuncture points can stimulate the release of various hormones, such as endorphins – the body’s natural opioid painkillers. Other studies suggest that acupuncture works by stimulating the central nervous system, promoting the body’s natural self-healing properties.

What Happens During an Acupuncture Treatment?

First, your practitioner will inquire about your medical history and whether you experience pain or other undesirable physical symptoms. Based on the information you provide, they will examine your body and determine the appropriate acupuncture points.

Acupuncturists believe that the body has several energy channels, known as meridians, and that stimulating them will promote health and wellness. They will attempt to identify the root causes behind your symptoms while also looking for more subtle imbalances.

During the procedure itself, you will either lie down or sit on a table. The practitioner will then insert thin needles into your acupuncture points.

A typical acupuncture session lasts between 20 minutes and an hour. The practitioner will dim the lights and put on relaxing music. Although they use needles, most people report experiencing only a slight pinching sensation rather than pain.

What Are the Benefits of Acupuncture for Pain Management?

Acupuncture can be an excellent tool for acute and chronic pain management. Increasing numbers of studies demonstrate its effectiveness in treating health issues such as osteoarthritis, tension headaches, migraines, and muscle strains.

It can also help improve neck, shoulder and lower back pain arising from poor posture and sedentary lifestyles. Furthermore, some people believe it may also improve mental health and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Arguably, one of the biggest benefits of acupuncture is that it is a drug-free approach to pain management, with little to no side effects. Nevertheless, if you have a bleeding disorder or take blood thinners, consult a doctor before trying it.

Acupuncture for Pain Management in Vancouver

Acupuncture exhibits numerous other benefits in addition to providing effective pain management. It can reduce chronic stress, improve sleep and even boost the immune system.

At Park Place Clinic in Vancouver, we are committed to restoring and empowering your health and wellness using the highest quality of integrative medicine. We also offer chiropractic care, another drug-free way to manage pain.

Reach out to our experienced specialists today for a personal consultation. Call us at (604) 646-6699 or book an appointment on our website.